The road out of Magdelena was surprisingly steeper than's probably wrong to say steep, but just more rises than we had imagined. After 10 miles of steady uphill we crested and entered the rim of the Plains of San Augustin, and not too long after that we could see the day's highlight - the Very Large Array (VLA), a series of 27 radio telescopes that were featured, amongst other programs, in the movie Contact (albeit in a computer-enhanced manner). Each telescope, 25 metres in diameter, sits on one of three railway lines that each extend 13 or so miles in length. The telescopes can be moved in or out; when all the telescopes are spread out, it allows astronomers to look at a
We camped that night at Datil Wells, 44 miles from Magdelena (via the VLA, which added 8 miles), at a very well run campsite. Each night we would look to the west waiting for an expected bout of bad weather that had been predicted days earlier. We were on alert after being drenched a few weeks earlier in the north of the state - we would often laugh about this, entering what we thought would be the driest state of the few we had travelled through, only to hit by the most water.
A few clouds appeared on this evening but nothing too sinister; the next morning saw a few spots of rain yet, for the most part of our 55 miles riding to Apache Creek, located at the junction of highways 12 and 32, it was more about gusting winds than water cascading from the sky. Today we rode deep within the plain, interrupted every 10 miles of so by modest hills flowing down from the mountains to our north. We rode onto the officia
We camped beneath gloriously tall Ponderosa Pines at Apache Creek campground in the Gila (pronounced 'Heela') National Forest. The Gila, all of 3.3 million acres, wouldn't just dominate our horizon for the next week, it would also fill our heads with the history of Native Americans and the clash with modern America. Of Native chiefs lured to meetings on the pretence of peace, only to lose their lives and heads; of Geronimo, an Apache born and bred in these mountains, leading the US Calvary on a merry dance through its many canyons and mesas; and of infamous outlaws such as Billy the Kid, (partly) lured by the rich deposits of gold and silver found in the 1800s.
Our ride took us through the central and western sides of the Gila (and near the Arizona border), along highways 12 through Reserve and onto highway 180 through Glenwood and Buckhorn. The mountains to the east were magnificent. It was 26 miles into our ride from Apache Creek (about 13 miles from Reserve) that we had our first relatively major issue with our bikes. I had just noticed a wobble in my rear wheel/tire and asked Alia to look at it as I rode; she could see the tire clearly moving laterally, enough to have us plan to stop once we could find an open spot to do so - we were climbing through some steep hairpins on our way up to Saliz Pass (6436 feet) under a darkening sky, and just couldn't find enough space to pull over. We needn't have bothered; only seconds later and a curt 'POP' forced us to the tight confines of a corner of the highway. Not only had my tube burst, but my rear tire had been ripped along the bead for approx. 4 inches. A flawed tire wall had finally given way, putting pressure on the tube inside. As the rain began to fall we got the wheel off and removed the tire, yet as we attempted to use duct tape to repair the damage we could see it wouldn't hold enough to protect a new tube and any serious weight I would need to put on the bike.
Decision time.
In a surprisingly calm manner (well, for me at least. No outburst this time) we decided that we would walk to the nearest clearing (we could get enough air in the new tube to walk the bike) and begin seeing if someone could take us the 85 miles to Silver City. Failing this, we would simply walk around 12 miles and camp (we were in National Forest, which means you can legally camp anywhere excluding near streams/rivers), getting up the next day to walk the final eight miles to the nearest small town of Glenwood. From there we knew could order a tire from Silver City and have it Fedexed to us. Walking 20 miles really didn't faze us too much - we can walk at 4 miles an hour, and with our gear still on our bikes it wasn't too hard pushing my bike along. Obviously not our preference but well within our scope.
About a mile into our walk and a man stopped in a pull-out and asked us if we needed some help. We looked at each other and thought it made sense to see what this meant. Jerry, the man in the car, said he would happily take us into Silver City, not far from where he lived, and bring us back with a new, what an offer. He couldn't take our bikes with us but these could be safely stashed in the dense bush near the road. Another glance between each of us. It seemed to make sense, and Jerry seemed genuine. And so it went; Jerry not only took us all the way into Silver City to get a new tire but allowed us to join him and his partner Mary for dinner, and put us up for the night at his house, located on highway 180 about 12 miles west of Silver City. How humbling. Such generosity I hadn't experienced. Ever. And Jerry was a lovely man, so humble and spiritual, so ready to listen to us and our laments.
After dropping us back at our stash site the next day, we cycled 21 miles to Bighorn campground at Glenwood. Both this evening, when we met a couple from Victoria, BC and a motorcyclist from Tuscon, Arizona, and the next day when we met locals at a Saturday farmers market, we were hit with how we seemed to be meeting so many nice people on this stretch of road. Not to say people weren't friendly earlier in the trip, it was more the sheer number of people we were meeting on this particular
So, now for the stats. Our total distance travelled to this point, including the Vancouver Island and Skeena River sections, was 3484 miles, or 5574.4 kms. The total number of riding days (ie. excluding rest days) was 87, or almost three solid months that our butts spent in the saddle. Ouch. Quite the ride, and one which took us through a roller coaster of emotions. Mostly good, and certainly enlightening to the extreme. I lost five kilograms, down from 86 to 81kgs (178 pounds), and two sizes, down from a 36 to 34 inch waist (as I discovered when buying a suit in Albuquerque). This whilst still having a beer or three every few days. I'll have to keep cycling when I get home, I like this flattish stomach thing.
Yet the drama hasn't stopped in El Paso. On the Friday night just gone, whilst eating popcorn I chipped off a rather large part of my second molar, enough to expose the root. Ouch. I couldn't even finish the beer I was drinking, the pain was that intense. After searching for a local dentist (and wondering how much a US dentist would charge considering we only have insurance for AUD$500 for emergency dental), I found most weren't open on the weekend (nor on Fridays - gees, the golfing must be good here). Whilst conducting these searches on the Net, up came various websites promoting qualified dentists in the Mexican city of Juarez. Yes, that Juarez, the city with over 2000 drug-related murders each year, the city which sits adjacent to El Paso that we were planning to avoid like the plague. After reading quite a few independent blogs, I came up with a few seemingly reliable dental clinics in Juarez, each of which came and picked you up from your El Paso motel/hotel, took you to the clinic, and then returned you to your accommodation. All for dental prices that were a third charged by US (or even Canadian/Australian) dentists.
So, off we went. Most dental clinics are located directly next to the border crossing, so you are basically only seeing a few streets in Juarez before you arrive. We were greeted by about three people at once, one of which explained each part of the process to me as it was being done (in clear English). I ended up needing a root canal and crown; I have to say that, at this
But, no, I haven't told my mother about this incident as yet...
Again, not something I would want to do again, and only time will tell if the dental work lasts. Suffice to say, the message from this blog is anything that goes POP is to be avoided, whether that be tires with flimsy sidewalls or the corn you put in the microwave. A poor joke I know but someone challenged me to somehow link the two incidents. There you go.